Small kentuts.

Ah Moi have decided to set up a charity fund. It's called the:

"Nat's Holiday Funds" aka N.H.F.

I'm not kidding. Please take me seriously... T.T

Thursday, March 31, 2011


LADIES.... Ah Moi found something online. Something that has so little advertisement and coverage that I believe VERY few of you know about this.

Wait for it. 

Wait some more...

And some more...

And more...

I am enjoying this. Let me further intensify the irritation with a useless story.

I have mouth ulcers all the time. They are recurrent and painful and annoying. When one heals, another pops out. Nothing... and I mean... NOTHING can cure my ulcers. I tried burning it with Listerine. I tried rinsing salt water. I tried RUBBING salt on it. I tried Oral Aid. NOTHING works. I always end up liking the pain I inflict on myself. -End of useless story-

Back to my discovery. Are you ready laydees??????

Can we all do together a bimbotic scream so high pitch its outside the human hearing range???!!!

SHOE FESTIVAL, babi baybeh!!!!!! How can I not be excited!!!

Details & website are on the flyer. So please make your way there. I went there today for a furniture expo and found it easier and much much cheaper (RM3 flat rate) to park at the bus station right opposite PWTC.

Now THIS is Ah Moi, spreading the LOVE yo. Let's get shoe-gasms together!

I ciao first,
Ah Moi

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