Small kentuts.

Ah Moi have decided to set up a charity fund. It's called the:

"Nat's Holiday Funds" aka N.H.F.

I'm not kidding. Please take me seriously... T.T

Monday, May 17, 2010

Best of Edinburgh 2010 (Part 3)

I got so lazy and tied up with work, I actually thought of giving up blogging for good.

But then again, where else can I show off my travel pictures, my camwhore pictures, my brilliant "a-ha!" moments........ I can't deprive the world of that. That'd be too selfish of me.


Here're more pictures from Scotland... the highlands this time. Took a tour bus from the city all the way into mountains of Scotland. It's the longest ever bus ride I've EVER had. My butt was flattened by as much as ONE INCH at the end of the day.

That being said, it was also one of the most scenic bus rides.

Please excuse some of the pictures' quality. They were taken when I'm on a moving, bumpy bus :(

I could totally see the change in scenery as we moved from the low lands to the high lands...

First, there were nice trees, green grass, clear waters. And the next thing we know...

Drastic change huh? But it was lovely. Not something we get to see everyday, more so in the oven we live in called Malaysia.

We stopped by at a farm for toilet break and I met this fella. He's Scottish. He's blonde. He's hairy (in a good way). And he is SOOOOO cute he puts Robert Pattinson to shame.

Girls, are you ready????

Seriously, damn cute right?????? Can hardly see the eyes! Hahahaha.

Kenot help but to take a picture with the cutey.

I touched the horn and it snorted mucus at me. Cibai. After that, not so cute anymore.

Turned to admire the scenery instead...

When I'm old, I wouldn't mind giving up city life to live in a farm on a Scottish highland. It's so serene, I can picture myself waking up to a cup of freshly brewed coffee, sitting on the front porch and just looking at the mountains every morning.

Of course, I suppose if I get something THAT good everyday, even looking at Zac Efron in the showers will lose its novelty.

(Okay, no I take that back)

While I try to get the above image out of my head, here're more scenery pictures for you...

Btw, eventhough we were at a farm... it wasn't stinky at all!!!!! Or maybe it was so cold, my nose was just practically numb. Either way, I was glad I didn't have to put up with any forms of horrible stench. I've put up with enough from the group of Italian dudes in the same bus.

I went into the souvenir shop and nearly bought this hat....

I mean, it was cute while it lasted... But I hardly see a purpose for it unless you call "sitting in my cupboard at home, collecting dust" a purpose.

We got back onto the bus after half an hour of toilet break, and continued our journey upwards to... less sun, more snow, and MORE COLD.

(Again my apologies. Picture taken on a moving bus)

We stopped by at the place where the Massacre of Glencoe took place. *Click here* for more info on the massacre.

But anyway, massacre or not, this place looked absolutely MAJESTIC (albeit the dark and gloomy aura)...

Believe me, it doesn't look it, but the temperature was absolutely FREEZING. If Chang was there, he will be making inappropriate jokes like his nipples are falling off from the cold.

Lots of adventurous travellers often drive up to the mountains and a lot of of them actually put up tents to stay for a good few nights. Honestly, when night falls, I'd be pretty freaked out staying there.... given its history.

This is about as adventurous as I can get.......

(Standing on a 10-inch elevated ledge. Haha)

Nah, just kidding. Given the right timing, the right amount of $$$, and the right company... I'd really love to give camping in the Scottish highlands a try.

Do you see how small and insignificant I become amongst these tall majestic mountains? Hardly a feeling I can get used to. Haha.

Btw, credit to the mother for taking all these pictures of me. I gotta say, she's not half bad :)

Aren't snow-capped mountains pretty??????

(Big pair of daunting, intimidating boobs... I mean, mountains.)

I half wished we could've stayed longer to admire the view. But we've had another couple of hours of journey ahead of us. Plus, the wind and the cold was too much to bear after a while...

We took one last look... and we headed off to our next destination: Loch Ness! :)

Of course, every tourists hope is to be able to spot the Loch Ness Monster... *click here* for more info.

It is more fondly known by the locals as Nessie. I'm mildly uncomfortable by the fact that it sort of rhymes with my nickname: Natty. Oh well.

(THIS is Natty. Not Nessie. WTF.)

We got onboard this cruise which took us to the middle of the lake (hardly the middle actually, seeing that Loch Ness is the second largest in Scotland).

Spotting the monster (whether it actually exist or not) is hardly something I expected to do. Some people dedicated their WHOLE lives to spot the monster... so I'll just leave them to their jobs :D

Here're some pretty sceneries instead....

I'm not blowing my own horn, but I think the picture above is post-card worthy.

And btw, if in the midst of looking at my pictures, and one of you spots Nessie... please let me know so I can sell the picture for millions of dollars. I'll reward you handsomely for your keen eye :D

Again, it was extremely cold, extremely windy. Don't let the sun fool you. It can give you a sunburn... but you can hardly feel it because all you'll feel is your skin literally cracking from the biting cold.

The cruise lasted about half an hour. It got pretty boring after all because the scenery was pretty much the same throughout that part of the lake we were in.

When the cruise ended, we packed into the bus and it was yet another looooong journey back to the city centre of Edinburgh...

We took a different route home from the one we came in, and were rewarded with more snow... and glimpses of small herds of deers coming out to chew on rare patches of fresh green grass.

Pretty or WHAT???

It was a helluva sibeh long journey. But it was so worth it. Anyone who's planning a trip to Scotland SHOULD see the highlands. It's not something you want to miss.

...And this pretty much wraps up my trip to Scotland.

Next up... DUBLIN! Though I'm pretty sure I can finish that trip in ONE short post. Not much pictures taken there. Will explain why later. Stay tuned!

I ciao first,
Ah Moi


Chang said...

Definitely postcard quality..
all except the zac efron wan !

NatC. said...

Haha... someone's jealous :P